TSBroadcaster 3 is a headend server which automatically encodes and plays out OCAP (tru2way), ETV and MHP applications according to a defined schedule. It is suitable for live transmission or lab use.
The primary delivery mechanism for OCAP applications is DSM-CC object carousels. TSBroadcaster generates object carousels, encodes them into MPEG-2 transport streams, which are delivered by TSPlayer. TSPlayer can stream MPEG-2 either in-band or via a number of out-of-band delivery methods as specified elsewhere on this page (to the right).
TSBroadcaster also generates the appropriate signalling, which makes the OCAP set-top-box aware of the existence of an application and specifies whether the application is bound or unbound.
TSBroadcaster servers are accessed by a web browser. All aspects of TSBroadcaster's functionality can also be accessible via an API. This allows easy integration with other headend software.
If delivering signed (authenticated) applications, the appropriate hash, certificate and signature files need to be created externally using OCAP SFG prior to generation of the object carousel.
TSBroadcaster can build multiple transport streams simultaneously. Delivery of these transport streams requires a TSPlayer software module per transport stream and the default is two outputs per TSBroadcaster system. The number of TSPlayer software modules which can be run on a single TSBroadcaster or TSPlayer Server depends on a number of factors such as bit rate utilised. Typically we recommend a total of two outputs per TSPlayer Server with no TSPlayer software running on the TSBroadcaster system which operates three or more simultaneous transport stream play-outs.